Plant Therapy - 淨化舒緩頭皮精華 Hair Therapy Soothe & Detoxify Scalp Serum 30ml

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健康的頭髮從髮根開始,何不呵護您的頭皮呢? 有了乾淨、滋養的粉底,毛囊就會變得強壯,頭髮就會變長! Soothe & Detoxify Scalp Serum 是一種每週一次的護理產品,旨在去除堆積的產品、平衡油脂並促進頭皮循環,讓頭皮感覺清爽滋潤。 如果您經常使用可疊加的頭髮造型產品,或者與頭皮屑脫落或頭髮稀疏作鬥爭,那麼這款輕盈的乳狀精華液是必備品,富含植物性強效成分,可以使您的頭皮恢復活力,引領強韌健康的頭髮之路。




透明質酸:透明質酸以其超強保濕特性而著稱,是一種眾所周知的強效成分,可以結合水分並使皮膚豐盈。 對您來說,這意味著即時保濕,因為它從淋浴間吸取水並將其直接輸送到您的頭皮! 這反過來有助於保護和加強因長時間暴露在陽光下、捲髮器或直發器產生的高溫或隨著時間的推移而變乾的頭髮產品而受損的髮絲。


純精油混合物:這款精華含有 12 種愛護秀發的精油,可為您的頭皮帶來大量益處。 旨在舒緩因乾燥和刺激引起的不適,同時排毒頭髮根部的堆積物,這種混合物可讓您的頭皮煥發活力,同時幫助暗沉、疲憊的頭髮注入新鮮活力。 薄荷、羅勒和桉樹油提供刺激感,而茶樹、鼠尾草和百里香油則努力提供深層清潔。 薰衣草和雪松等鎮靜油,以及甜依蘭和天竺葵,有助於緩解頭皮屑和炎症引起的不適。 葡萄柚和檸檬草有助於平衡天然油脂,讓頭髮煥發光彩。 此外,它聞起來令人驚嘆,就像漫步在帶有露水的藥草園中,那裡有新鮮的清涼薄荷、溫和的花香和淡淡的香脂香料。


白高嶺土:眾所周知,高嶺土可以通過從頭皮中吸出雜質來幫助排毒和淨化。 過多的油脂、污垢和細菌會堵塞毛孔,使健康的毛囊難以形成並產生強韌的髮絲。 高嶺土是一種出色的排毒劑,有助於清潔頭皮,同時不會在此過程中犧牲大量所需的水分和天然油脂,讓您的頭髮柔軟、有彈性、乾淨!



將精華直接塗抹在頭皮上,塗在問題區域。 用指尖或頭皮刷輕輕按摩 1-2 分鐘。 停留 5-10 分鐘,然後用洗髮水徹底清洗。 每週使用 1-2 次。



國際芳療師聯合會不建議內服精油,除非是在同樣具有臨床芳療資格的醫生的監督下。 為個別油列出的所有註意事項不包括那些攝入的注意事項。

本聲明未經美國食品藥品監督管理局評估。 本產品不用於診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。

瓶子按體積裝滿。 某些尺寸的瓶子可能沒有裝滿,但確實包含指定體積的油。



Healthy hair starts at the roots, so why not make sure to pamper your scalp? With a clean, nourished foundation, hair follicles grow strong so that hair strands can get long! Our Soothe & Detoxify Scalp Serum is a weekly treatment designed to remove product buildup, balance oils, and stimulate circulation for a scalp that feels refreshed and hydrated. A must-have if you regularly use buildable hair styling products or struggle with flaky dandruff or thinning hair, this lightweight, milky serum is packed with botanical powerhouse ingredients that can revitalize your scalp, leading the way for strong, healthy hair.


Hyaluronic Acid: Highlighted for its super hydrating qualities, Hyaluronic Acid is a powerhouse ingredient known to bind water and plump up skin. For you, this means instant moisturization as it draws in water from the shower and delivers it straight to your scalp! This in turn helps to protect and strengthen hair strands that have been damaged by too much time in the sun, high heat from curling irons or straighteners, or drying hair products that build up over time.

Pure Essential Oil Blend: Packed with 12 hair-loving essential oils, this serum delivers a heavy dose of benefits for you scalp. Designed to soothe discomfort from dryness and irritation while detoxifying buildup at the base of your strands, this blend invigorates your scalp while helping to breathe fresh life into dull, tired hair. Peppermint, Basil, and Eucalyptus oils provide a stimulating sensation, while Tea Tree, Sage, and Thyme oils work hard to provide a deep down clean. Calming oils like Lavender and Cedarwood, alongside sweet Ylang Ylang and Geranium, help soothe discomfort from dandruff and inflammation. Grapefruit and Lemongrass help to balance natural oils and encourage radiance and luster to your hair. Plus, it smells amazing, like walking through a dewy herb garden with fresh cooling mint, gentle florals, and light balsamic spices.

White Kaolin Clay: Kaolin Clay is known to help detoxify and purify by drawing impurities out of the scalp. Excess oil, dirt, and bacteria can clog pores, making it difficult for healthy hair follicles to form and create strong strands. An excellent detoxifier, Kaolin Clay helps clean the scalp without sacrificing much needed moisture and natural oils in the process, leaving you with hair that feels soft, bouncy, and clean!



Apply serum directly to your scalp, focusing on problem areas. Gently massage in with fingertips or scalp brush for 1-2 minutes. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash out thoroughly with shampoo. Use 1-2 times weekly.



The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that essential oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a medical doctor who is also qualified in clinical aromatherapy. All cautions listed for individual oils do not include those cautions from ingestion.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified.